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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Time Flies, what a year it's been!


 So, time gets away on me.  I have not posted on this blog since February and now its the day after Christmas.  It's been a very busy year for all of us.  Spring was track season.  This year Kameron tried pole vaulting.  That's a little scary for a mom to watch, but also exciting to see how high the kids could vault themselves.  Kam's highest jump was 10 feet.  Not quite olympic matertial, but impressive none the less.  Summer went by fast. We followed the high school marching band all around the state for several parades.  This is so much fun!  We've also always got projects going on in and out of the house.  This year we painted all of the down stairs, put new flooring and counters in the kitchen and downstairs bathroom, and removed the last of the wallpaper the house.  (YEAH!).  We also took down our pool and re-landscaped the backyard.  There is still work to be done both in the house and outside, but it will have to wait until next summer.  We did not get to go camping, as we were hoping.  Harmony has never been camping.  Maybe next year. 


We did make it to Lake Michigan over the summer. It's one of our favorite places in the world! As you can see, we navigated the miles of riverbed to get back to the clay pit. What great memories! Harmony is such a trooper. She keeps right up with all of our craziness. 

Late summer and early fall mean football season.  We had 3 teams to follow this year.  That means 3 games each week!  Kam and Jay both played, Kam played both varsity and JV.  Jay played on the 8th grade team.  Again, Harmony is amazing with this.  She has a group of friends (little sisters of players) for each sport we follow.  She's also a great cheerleader and can't wait until she's old enough to be on the team.  She never complains about going to games, just grabs her things and away we go. 
We made it to the circus in the fall.  This is the last time the circus is allowed to have live elephants in the show due to the animal rights activists protesting following the book/movie "Water for Elephants".  Here is Harmony and my dad (Papa Larry) riding on a pony.  She was a little nervous to get on the horse, and refused to go unless grandpa walked with her.  He looks quite proud to be helping her with this task. 

Now it's basketball season.  Doc and Jay are both playing basketball this winter.  With games almost every Friday night and tournaments on the weekends we're busy again.  I'm thankful the Christmas season is almost over.  Don't get me wrong, I love Jesus and am so thankful for his birthday here on Earth.  We do our best to keep this true meaning of Christmas the focus and not get caught up in all the earthly demands of the season.  The problem is the stress our society puts on this season for all the wrong reasons.  The expectations to make Christmas a "magical" time with homemade cookies, household decorations, music, gifts all wrapped in fancy ribbons and bows, big meals, entertaining, visiting, traveling, not to mention blizzards, shoveling till it hurts then some, along with all of the normal daily chaos in our lives all packed into the shortest days of the year.  It's exhausting! 

Now little Missy is 7 and a 1/2 exactly tomorrow.  She's been reminding me that tomorrow is her half birthday.   Her real birthday falls in the middle of summer vacation and her half birthday falls in the middle of Christmas vacation.  The poor girl just wants to bring treats to school.  We'll have to plan for her 3/4 birthday in March and send treats then.  
She is such a beautiful girl, both inside and out!  

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