As you can tell, our blog site has been upgradded. Things look a little different, but I think the changes are good. It has taken me quite a while to figure out how to log in, since, that too has changed. Now that I'm here I'm liking what I see! One of the features I found allows me to receive comments from "everyone" vs. just from members. I think this means that our friends and family can comment on our posts without having to sign up or log in, at least I hope this is what this means. I would really really appreciate it if some of you who are not members of thoughts.com would try leaving a comment, just "hey there" is great to test my theory on this feature... Please...Don't be shy......Thanks!!!!
Monday we received a letter from our social worker, Damaris, stating that she was leaving employment with the adoption agency we're working through and her last day was last Friday. This was a little upsetting. We had no idea she was leaving, and where does that leave our home study process? I called the agency yesterday and our case has been transferred to a different social worker, Sarah. I called Sarah who assured me that the home study would proceed as planned. She said that she did need to set up a time to come visit us at home since she has not met us and she is now responsible for our home study. We're going to meet with her on Wednesday evening. So now I know that God is teaching me both patience and flexibility.
SW Sarah informed us that the boys' references from their schools have not come in yet, so I'm off to call a few teachers...
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