A little out of order, but I don't want to lose any of my previous posts. It's all part of our story.
Well, all the boys are officially back to school. Kam started High School a couple of weeks ago. Jay and Doc started 6th and 4th grades yesterday. I have to say, it was probable the least hectic, chaotic, stressful back to school season we've had so far. We had all of our supplies, the boys are all getting up and getting ready in reasonable time, I'm actually getting up before them so that I can get dressed, and tidy up around the house before they greet the morning! Am I dreaming??? If so, let me sleep! I'm sure we're honemooning, a little, and we will face challenges in the near future with our morning routine, but for now I'm going to enjoy this...dream, or honeymoon, or whatever it is.
In our family, three of us (Dad, Kam, & Doc) are very much so morning people. They're up before the sun, full of energy...(annoying!) and three of us (me, Dylan and Jay) are definitely NOT morning people! We do not like getting up out of bed, we don't like moving quickly before 9am, and we need coffee, or food , and time to enjoy it, before we function very well at all. My dear husband has a job that fit's his morning personality perfectly and he leaves the house at an insane hour of the morning; long before any of the rest of us are moving around. This is great for him, the morning person, but that leaves me, not a morning person, as the only parent to get myself and all of the kids up, ready and out of the house by 7:30am. I am determined to get up and ready before I have to get the kids up this school year. This just makes the morning go so much smoother for all of us! I've done great the past 2 days! I hope I can keep this up!
Anyone have any secrets to making school day mornings go well??
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