Yesterday was our official 6 month anniversary of having H live with us. We were required to have her live with us for 6 months before the courts would allow us to adopt her. We're ready to adopt, and so is she. H is always asking when she'll be adopted, but we cannot tell her a date yet. The last we've heard, the court still has not finished up the appeal process started 9 months ago by H's birth mother's attorney. Our SW comes tomorrow evening for her monthly visit. Hopefully she'll have good news for us on this front.
We have had a very busy beginning of school. H has been doing very well in school. She is such a smart girl! I love her little brain! When we talk to her about something new to her I can see in her face how she's really thinking about what we've said. Academically she has no issues, other than racing through her work ocassionally. She struggles a little more with social skills and appropriate behaviors such as using an inside voice, treating others with respect, and following directions. H's teacher gives H a conduct grade each day for school. Every evening we check her conduct grade together and talk about how her day went. I think this has been a tremendous help. Each week we set a goal for H's conduct grades. For instance if she earns 2 S+ or E (excellent) in one week she earns an outing. If she earns 3 S+ or E's, she earns the outing and gets to bring a friend along with for the outing. This has also been a great motivator for her to improve her social skills.
So much of life that we take for granted is all new for her. When H first came to us she had never ridden a bike, she had never built a snow man, never jumped in a leaf pile. She's never been Trick-or-Treating. When we first brought her to our home from the city, she would get very excited, point out the window and yell, MOMMY, MOMMY, LOOK AT THAT ANIMAL! We'd be passing a farm with cows. I'd tell her, that's a cow. Another time we passed a horse farm. She pointed out the window and yelled, MOMMY, MOMMY LOOK AT THAT COW! I explained to her the difference between a cow and a horse. A couple of weekends ago my Dad took all of the grandkids, and parents to an Indian Summer celebration. There were horses there we could pet and even ride on. I've never seen H's eyes so big as she took in this massive horse, up close and personal. At first she was quite afraid to get close, but by the end of our day she actually got to ride one of the horses. It was great!
Today I took off of work to go along on a field trip with H to a pumpkin patch/farm. It was awesome! H got to ride a pony, catch and hold a chicken, pet a hedgehog, rabbit, and a guinea pig. We went for a hay ride through the woods and a corn field. We ate lunch in a barn and even picked out a cute little pumpkin to bring home. H did great as well. She stayed with her class, listened to the rules, and treated all of her friends nicely. She's come so far, I'm so proud of her and all of her growth.
Through all of this process, I have to say again that we are surrounded by amazing friends and family who love and support us. Everyone has accepted H and our situation with open hearts. From the kids in her class to our parents and grandparents, we are all truely blessed!
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